
To really get an idea of what a film is really like just read the review but for conventions sake we have included scores ranging from A+ to F. Opinions change all the time and are subjective, so don’t expect our evaluation to be a objective review. It's pretty much impossible to truly get a films 'worth' down to a value, so these are rough estimations of how much the film is truly 'worth'. However, reviews only serve so much purpose, whereas seeing the film is great - so get out there and watch some movies!

A+ = Reserved for only the most beautiful, delicate pieces of cinema that are masterpieces in their own right and should be seen by everyone at one stage in their life.

A = A magnificent piece of art that demands to be watched; a lesser masterpiece but still a masterpiece nonetheless.

A- = Highly recommended cinema and a must for any serious cineaste or movie buff.

B+ = A great film with artistic merits and sheer enjoyability, but not without its drawbacks.

B = Quality film-making that will leave you with a sense of satisfaction.

B- = A good film: Nothing more, nothing less.

C+ = An above average film that provides entertainment even if its not anywhere on the scope of greatness.

C = An average film with enough to give an audience something to look at, but nothing too provoking.

C- = Verging on becoming an awful film, this is mediocre at best.

D+ = An example of bad cinema containing little or no good qualities.

D = A shockingly painful film that should never be watched.

D- = A horrific film that could only be made in the depths of hell.

F = The worst a film can get: an atrocity of humankind and the proof that art really has no limits to how far it can go to insult.